About Us
Rural AIDS Action Network leads rural Minnesota in the fight to stop HIV through a broad array of client services, risk reduction, advocacy and awareness. In its 21 years of service, RAAN has served over 10,000 individuals. RAAN’s experienced staff provide the following programs and services to clients in 80 counties outside of the Twin Cities metro area:

- Medical Case Management
- Food Voucher/Nutrition Program
- Transportation Assistance
- Support Groups
- Outreach and Education
- Syringe Exchanges
- HIV & Hepatitis C Testing
- MNsure Navigator Services
- Narcan Training & Distribution
RAAN envisions rural communities where persons living with or affected by HIV/AIDS live dignified lives and receive appropriate and compassionate medical care, and where communities understand the realities of transmission and prevention.
Why you should care: The CDC estimates that more than one million people are living with HIV in the United States. One in five (21%) of those people living with HIV is unaware of their infection. New infections continue at far too high a level, with an estimated 56,300 Americans becoming infected with HIV each year. The face of HIV/AIDS now includes a disproportionate number of Hispanics/Latinos, new immigrants, heterosexuals and injection drug users as well those men who have sex with men.
Rural AIDS Action Network
300 East St. Germain Street
Suite 220
St. Cloud, MN 56304
Office 320.257.3036
Fax 320.257.3038
Toll Free 800.966.9735
Website www.raan.org
Website Funded by U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB). State of Minnesota Department of Human Services, Otto Bremer Foundation and other public support. This site contains HIV prevention messages that may not be appropriate for all audiences.